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thermal energy storage

Current CSP Research Funding Opportunities

FEB 2024 JAN 2024 Apply by March 6 Topic Areas SIPS Topic Area 1: CSP (7-12 projects, $400,000 each) This topic area will support small, focused projects investigating the...

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Spain now needs CSP for grid stability – study

Spain now needs CSP for grid stability – study

Despite a renewable capacity of 2.6 times peak demand, Spain's intermittent renewables do not provide grid needs for operating reserves and frequency stability, so they have not displaced conventional fossil technologies Source: EVWind Each MW of solar thermal power...

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Published at Journal of Energy Storage – Self-assembly CuO surface decorated with NiAl2O4 for high-temperature thermochemical energy storage: Excellent performance and strong interaction mechanism

Published at Journal of Energy Storage – Self-assembly CuO surface decorated with NiAl2O4 for high-temperature thermochemical energy storage: Excellent performance and strong interaction mechanism

Abstract: High-temperature thermochemical energy storage materials with high energy density is the key technical support for the third generation concentrated solar power plants equipped with advanced energy storage system. CuO/Cu2O redox couple is one of the most...

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